Compressor wine coolers and thermoelectric wine coolers may both keep wine at cool temperatures but are very different. 


As soon as the compressors sense that the interior of the cooler is heating up, even the slightest bit, it turns itself back on and will cool it back down to the temperature that it is preset to.

Working the opposite way, once the compressor senses that its preset temperature has been reached throughout the wine cooler, it shuts itself down so the contents to not over-freeze. Basically, it continuously works to keep the temperature at a perfect limit.


With front-venting system, this Lanbo LW144T compressor wine cooler can be placed pretty much anywhere in the home, apartment, townhome, or business.


Efficiency is a great perk to compressor wine coolers. The mechanism inside the cooler allows it to cool the temperature inside to a wide range of temperatures, which can all be preset by the wine cooler owner. LW144T compressor wine cooler has three independent temperature zones, whose setting temperature range is from 41¨H to 64¨H. There is an option for white and red wine to be held in the same wine cooler, and have their own individual cooling temperatures.

Last but not least, 143 bottles of wine can be held within this unit, making for an optimum use of space. To sum up, the compressor wine cooler works well in any and every setting, making it a very versatile product.