As with any household items, housekeeping is essential for the long-term efficiency of your loved Lanbo LW165D wine cooler.

1 Remove debris

At least once a year, all bottles should be removed from the cabinet and the internal unit examined for any dirt, styrofoam beads, straw, etc. These often adhere to the bottles and then drop into the cabinet and can obstruct any drain holes that might be inside the cabinet.

2 Clean the inside of your wine cabinet

Using a solution of warm water and white vinegar (or sodium bicarbonate) and a soft cloth, wash the walls and shelves and then let them dry before loading the wine back into the cabinet. 

3 Vacuum the exterior

It is also important that the external components of your cabinet are tended to as well. These external(condenser coils, compressors and compressor compartment) can be done more efficiently with a vacuum cleaner. Make sure that the electrical cord is not damaged or compromised and is securely plugged in.

4 Maintain the cellar door and seal

The sealing strip around the door must be cleaned regularly to prevent discolouration and prolong service life. Use clean water and clean all the indentations within the seal as well. After cleaning make sure that it continues to provide a tight seal.

Any wine cooler needs maintenance, and LW165D is no exception. The care you take will ensure longer life and limit any unnecessary problems.