As we all know, wine fridges and ordinary refrigerators generate intense cold and remove ambient humidity, which will affect your wine over time. One of the reasons you should choose Lanbo LW165D wine cooler is that it is designed to replicate the conditions found in the best natural underground cellars.

LW165D wine cooler can store your wine at the right temperature. With dual zone functionality, both the top zone and the bottom zone are accurately controlled using the sophisticated and sensitive controls. The setting temperature range is from 41¨H to 54¨H for the top zone and 54¨H to 64¨H for the bottom zone, which has a wider range for you to select and maintain ideal serving temperatures.

Additionally, LW165D wine cooler can protect your wine from sunlight. Sunlight, specifically the UV rays in sunlight can be harmful to your wine collection, but the good news is that this unit has tinted Glass Door which can ensures that while your wine bottles are visible, the integrity of your wine is protected from the potential harm of harsh light and UV rays.

Last but not least, LW165D wine cooler is versatile. Did you know that you don¡¯t have to just store wine in your wine cooler? With removable wooden shelves, efficient use of space allows storing up to 160 bottles of standard 750 mL wine bottles. If you have space in your wine cooler, you can store numerous things in there. From cheeses to tobacco, wine coolers can provide the perfect environment for many different things.